| | PECSH-MNA members show strength, solidarity MNA nurses and healthcare professionals at Sparrow Hospital in Lansing are united in strength and solidarity as they fight for a new contract that will put patients first. | |  | On Nov. 3, more than 1,000 caregivers and community members in a sea of red packed the sidewalks outside the hospital for an informational picket that sent a strong message to the employer. MNA members are demanding a contract that will truly recruit and retain caregivers and enable them to provide the best care possible at all times. On the heels of that picket and the employer’s refusal to move, Professional Employee Council of Sparrow Hospital (PECSH)-MNA members overwhelmingly passed a strike authorization, with 96 percent of members voting saying yes. While negotiations continue this week, there can be no doubt that PECSH-MNA members are loud and proud and standing strong for their patients and their community. | | | | Join us in Lansing for Capitol Action Day | Join us LIVE and in person in Lansing for MNA’s annual Capitol Action Day on Tuesday, March 22, 2022! Register here for our action-packed event. You’ll learn how to advocate for legislation that impacts nurses and health professionals, listen to a panel discussion by legislative leaders, have your picture taken with fellow MNA members on the Capitol steps, and participate in face to face visits with your elected officials! Lunch is provided. Space is limited, so sign up now! | | | | Build your skills with the MNA Advocacy Academy The MNA Advocacy Academy is an easy, three-part program that gives nurses the tools to be effective legislative advocates and mentors. This free program is open to any MNA member or nursing student who wants to build their knowledge and skills. There is a live, in person networking workshop with lunch provided on Saturday, February 5, 2022 from 10 am until 2 pm (registration at 9 am) at Washtenaw Community College (4800 E. Huron River Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48105). This interactive luncheon is followed by easy, on-your-own activities throughout February, and culminates with leader status at MNA's live, in person Capitol Action Day in Lansing on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. Participants who complete these three items will receive a framed state of Michigan seal! Sign up today! | | | | Leaders elected to MNA positions The votes have been counted from the annual delegates’ election. The results are: - President: Jamie Brown (Borgess)
- Treasurer: Ted McTaggart (MNA-UMPNC)
- Board of Directors: Scott Balko (UPHS-Marquette), Melissa Boals (TCMNA), Jessica Lannon (PECSH), Jeremy Lapham (MNA-UMPNC), James Walker (TCMNA)
- Impartial Committee: Jen Ackley (PECSH), Emily Epling (PECSH), Joan Jarosz (PECSH)
- Mominations Committee: Brandi Daggett (PECSH), Emily Epling (PECSH)
You can find a detailed report of the election process including vote totals on MemberLink. | | |  | New Continuing Education (CE) Opportunity R U OK 2DAY? Strategies to Boost Resiliency During COVID-19 and Beyond Your personal health and well-being are a high priority while caring for patients during the COVID-19 pandemic. This continuing education module provides the ability to: - Describe the state of health and wellness in nurses prior to and during the pandemic.
- Discuss national initiatives and research studies that are studying health and wellness in nurses.
- Discuss evidence-based interventions to improve resiliency and well-being, including strategies to build and sustain wellness cultures.
Nurses who view this module in its entirety and complete the evaluation post-test with a minimum passing score of 80% will receive 1.0 contact hour. You can find this new module here. MNA’s Continuing Education is always free for members! Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. | | | | Consider a year-end donation to the Michigan Nurses Foundation The Michigan Nurses Foundation received donations of over $9,000 in the two past months from stipend contributions, silent auction purchases, and memorial gifts in honor of Michigan nurses who have passed away. These gifts will be used to provide nursing student scholarships, financial assistance to nurses for recovery treatment, and nursing research grants. Consider making a year-end contribution to the foundation here. Donations to the foundation are tax-deductible. | | | | Members needed to serve on various panels MNA has openings for members to serve on several committees. If you are interested in serving on any of the following, please fill out a bio and consent form here. - Diversity, Inclusion and Cultural Competency Committee
- Resolution Committee
- Retirement Committee
| | | | | Michigan Nurses Association 2310 Jolly Oak Road | Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-5640 | minurses@minurses.org | | | | | | | | |