| | MNA Nurses at Munson Medical Center Win $420,500 in Backpay |
|  | Nurses at Munson Medical Center came together as MNA members to win a strong contract – and now they are holding management accountable to make sure that it is followed. On May 20, nurses overwhelmingly voted to ratify a settlement agreement that in total awards nurses $420,500.00. Put another way, 841 MNA RNs will be receiving $500 from management on June 4 because of our union. The new agreement puts an end to management’s problematic implementation of the low census language won through their contract. Per the terms of the Agreement, the Medical Center will educate nursing directors, unit managers, house supervisors, patient care coordinators, and charge nurses on the strengthened low census language. This major accomplishment was only possible because nurses stayed united as MNA members. This is the power of being in a strong, statewide union! |
| | MNA Celebrates Pride Month June 1 marks the start of Pride month. As nurses and healthcare professionals, we are committed to fighting for equity for all our members and patients. Please share your thoughts on the ways in which LGTBQIA+ nurses and patients are currently treated by our healthcare system by filling out this survey. |
| | | Becoming an MNA Rep: Why One Nurse Chose to Speak Up MNA-UMPNC RNs at Michigan Medicine have seen a growing number of nurses stepping up to be union reps this year. Christina Duncan is one of the MNA members who chose to take on this important role. She works as a day/night rotator at Michigan Medicine on 6C. “Without unions, people are treated really unfairly. As a rep, I help make sure that none of my coworkers are being taken advantage of or put in compromising situations.” For those who are thinking about becoming more involved, Christina says it’s important to know that other members of your union will have your back. “The support is amazing. You’re not alone. It’s a team. Whenever I need anything, everyone is there.” The work MNA-UMPNC members have been doing to advocate for patients and one another is making a big difference. “The energy that is there now is much greater than the energy that was there before,” she said. That energy has led to important wins for nurses at every level – be it an individual grievance, a unit wide issue, or even health system wide improvements. Nurses are strongest when united together. |
| Observing Memorial Day More than just a holiday weekend, Memorial Day honors those who have lost their lives in service of our country -- including nurses. Please take a moment for thanks and remembrance. |
| MNA’s Continuing Education Program Has New CEs Bias in Healthcare: An Introduction Presenter: Irie Lott, RN, MSN Learning Outcomes: - Define key terms & acronyms related to the concept of bias.
- Describe how bias in healthcare can impact patient outcomes and lead to health inequities.
- Apply beginning strategies for addressing & mitigating bias in healthcare.
Nurses who view this module in its entirety and complete the evaluation and post-test with a minimum passing score of 80% will receive a certificate awarding 1.0 contact hour. This module is currently available online and expires April 2023. It is FREE to MNA members. |
| COMING JUNE 1st - NEW PAIN MANAGEMENT CE! Approved as required Michigan license renewal pain content! The Relationship between Trauma and Pain Presenter: Brenda Nordstrom, DNP, BS, RN, PMGT-BC, CHPN Using a detailed breakdown of trauma and its effects on the brain, Dr. Nordstrom provides clinical information and outcomes designed for quality care of the traumatized patient. This CE provides a detailed look at how pain from trauma appears, what it can look like, and how it can be treated. Learning outcomes: - Identify different types of trauma
- Understand the physical and psycho-social effects of trauma
- Examine how assessing for trauma can improve current symptom management practices
- Analyze the importance of utilizing a trauma-informed approach to healthcare delivery
This module expires June 2023 and is FREE for MNA members. |
| Save the Date: MNA CE Forum in Ann Arbor COVID-19 and PTSD: Finding Help and Hope for Health Care Workers September 30, 2021 1-5pm Our expert speakers will immerse us in the recognition of the effects of trauma on our personal and professional lives including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and will start a discussion of moving to and focusing on recovery. Look for additional active breakout workshops to build your self-care toolbox on topics such as yoga, nutrition, and meditation to restore your spirit and your mental and physical health. YOU are the priority at this event! The event is FREE to MNA members. Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. |
| | | MNA Awards and Michigan Nursing Hall of Fame nominations MNA awards several honors to deserving members each year. If you’ve been looking for an opportunity to honor an amazing colleague, now is the time. Awards include: Diversity in Health Care, Excellence in Nursing Practice, Labor Leader of the Year, Cheryl L. Johnson, RN Labor Legacy Award, Nurse Hero, Outstanding Contribution to MNA, Carolyn Hietamaki Political Nurse Activist, and Michigan Nurses Hall of Fame. To nominate someone before the August 1 deadline, visit: https://www.minurses.org/nominate |
| Michigan Nurses Association 2310 Jolly Oak Road | Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-5640 | minurses@minurses.org |
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