Lapeer members ratify new contract! | |
Yesterday, MNA members at McLaren Lapeer Region Hospital ratified a three-year contract after months of bargaining and a previous unanimous vote to give their bargaining team the ability to call for a strike. The new contract will have one of the most competitive wage scales for nurses in the state. It also includes a staffing fine of $8/hour for each patient a nurse is required to care for over the contractually agreed upon staffing ratios. The agreement is a testament to the remarkable solidarity that McLaren Lapeer nurses have shown together as MNA members throughout their contract fight. | |
MNA Silent Auction – A Call for Items! The Michigan Nurses Association is looking for donated items for our annual silent auction! The proceeds received by these donations will go to benefit the Michigan Nurses Association Political Action Committee and the Michigan Nurses Foundation! Stay tuned to learn more! Contact Katie at katie.pontifex@minurses.org if you have questions or items to contribute. | |
All nominations must be submitted by August 1st! | |
Sign up for MNA’s Lobby Day Join fellow nurses, healthcare professionals and advocates as we advocate for lawmakers to pass the Safe Patient Care Act! The 2023 MNA Lobby Day is Wednesday, September 13 from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. in Lansing. Lawmakers will be back from their summer break, and this is a critical time to raise our voices to advocate for a safe staffing law. There is no cost for this event and lunch will be provided. Space is limited so sign up today! | |
Help grow MNA’s political power! The campaign for the Safe Patient Care Act has momentum, but we know the hospital industry will stop at nothing to halt our progress. To pass this life-saving legislation, nurses and healthcare workers must grow our political power! You can help by donating to the MNA PAC. | |
Another WIN for Michigan workers! After months of MNA advocacy, we are proud to report that the Legislature has passed House Bill 4044, which would repeal an anti-worker Snyder-era law that forced wage freezes, banned retroactive pay and pushed healthcare costs onto workers when bargaining past the expiration of a contract in the public sector. The bill now goes to Governor Whitmer’s desk for her signature. | |
MNA members appointed to Board of Nursing Congratulations to MNA board member Jessica Lannon, RN, who was re-appointed to the state Board of Nursing today by Gov. Whitmer. MNA member Melissa Boals, RN, was also appointed. Thank you for serving and making sure the voices of frontline nurses are heard! | |
NEW CE! Updated Human Trafficking CE The Intersection of Domestic Violence and Human Trafficking. 1.0 contact hour. Free for MNA members (Meets state requirement for Human Trafficking Training) | |
This 1.0 contact hour CE is designed to provide participants with strategies they can use to identify human trafficking victims as well as interventions they can implement when providing care to victims of human trafficking and domestic violence. | |
Coming soon! Implicit Bias and The Health Challenges of the LGBTQ+ People: How Nurses and Other Health Care Providers Can Help (Recorded webinar- Meets state requirement for Implicit Bias Training) | |
The Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) is accredited as a provider of continuing nursing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. | |