| | Honoring Workers Memorial Day |
| During the pandemic, nurses and other healthcare professionals have lost their lives. Today, on Workers Memorial Day, we remember and honor all of those who have died while serving our communities. Over the past year, many of us have experienced grief as we have lost our friends, coworkers, and union siblings – across the state and across the country. We still do not know, and perhaps will never know, the full number of healthcare workers who have lost their lives from the pandemic because the government does not keep adequate track of those who have died. The list our union keeps to remember those who have died is larger than the official records. This Workers Memorial Day, we mourn for the dead as we continue to fight for the living. |
| | Winning Strong Federal Protections for Nurses Across the Country On Thursday, a group of MNA nurses from Michigan Medicine, Munson Medical Center, McLaren Lapeer Region Hospital, Ascension Borgess Hospital, and Sparrow Hospital spoke with Michigan’s congressional delegation, including Rep. Debbie Dingell and Rep. Rashida Tlaib. The congresswomen were visibly moved hearing about the challenges nurses are facing and vowed to call both the governor and the White House. This Monday, Rep. Andy Levin joined Rep. Dingell and Rep. Tlaib in sending a strongly worded letter to President Biden. Just a few hours later, we won a huge victory. The Secretary of Labor announced that he would be sending an OSHA Emergency Temporary Standard that will protect nurses and healthcare professionals to the White House for approval. Once enacted, this could have a major impact on nurses both in Michigan and across the country by legally requiring hospitals to have stronger COVID-19 safety protections. This shows the power of what nurses can accomplish when we are united in a strong national union! |
| | A Look Ahead: Nurses Week 2021 This year is going to be a nurses’ week like no other. As nurses and healthcare professionals who are united, we can come together and make a difference – in improving government policy and in our workplaces. However, we are also able to come together to look after each other individually and personally during this extremely trying time. Although we can’t change the events of the past year, as a union we hope to honor your service by offering a few chances to provide comfort and care for yourself and your family. Please tell us how you are doing by filling out this form, and we will send you a free MNA red shirt or scrub (and you’ll also be entered into a giveaway). |
| | |  | Frontline Support Network: May 19, 2021, 8 pm - 9:30 pm Join your fellow nurses and healthcare professionals online to share your stories, support each other as only those working in healthcare right now can, and also receive guidance to build, strengthen, and maintain your personal support network from Belinda Thurston, trauma-informed meditation, wellness and yoga leader. |
| | | Protecting Nurses from Workplace Violence Nurses recently saw a huge victory as the U.S. House of Representatives passed a bipartisan, groundbreaking bill to protect health care and other workers from rising rates of workplace violence. The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act would set the highest standards yet for protecting workers in these industries from violence on the job. The next step is for it to pass the Senate. You can read more about the federal legislation here. Meanwhile, MNA introduced a similar version of bipartisan workplace violence prevention legislation at the state level. Fighting for nurses on all levels provides a strong message and the best opportunity to truly achieve change. |
| STILL TIME TO REGISTER! Implicit Bias and Healthcare Virtual CE Tuesday, May 4th, 1pm – 5 pm: 3 contact hours **MEETS ALL CURRENT GUIDELINES FOR UPCOMING REQUIRED MICHIGAN HEALTHCARE BIAS TRAINING** There’s still time to register for Day One of MNA’s Spring Leadership Action Conference! (Day Two registration is closed.) Register here. Registered nurses in attendance will be able to use this session for their 2022 or 2023 Michigan licensure renewal required bias training! New MNA Continuing Education Modules: Human Trafficking and Introduction to Implicit Bias (self-directed online modules) Click here to access MNA’s continuing education modules on your schedule and from the comfort of your couch! Coming soon … our next CE’s will be arriving soon on workplace violence and just culture! Michigan Nurses Association (MNA) is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. |
| MNA Members are Eligible for up to $2000 in Conference Funding The Michigan Nurses Foundation Safe Patient Care Nursing Practice Scholarship provides up to $2,000.00 for MNA Local Bargaining Unit (LBU) members to attend national healthcare/specialty conferences. Professional healthcare conferences at the national level are outstanding opportunities for nurses to expand their knowledge of various aspects of nursing including patient care and/or fields of expertise. Additionally, conferences provide a unique opportunity to interact with nurses representing other institutions who have similar interests. Unfortunately, the cost incurred by travel, lodging, registration, and associated expenses for these highly beneficial experiences often render the opportunity prohibitive. This scholarship is intended to defray at least a portion of such costs and thereby enable nurses to take advantage of this valuable experience. Just click here to learn more and apply. |
| | Hearing Pursuant to Article IV Pursuant to Article IV of the MNA Constitutional Bylaws, a hearing before the Board of Directors regarding the emergency trusteeship invoked at the University of Michigan Professional Council, which was utilized to fill vacant officer positions, will be held on June 14, 2021, at 9:30 a.m. A copy of the trusteeship resolution is available here. Any member of the Michigan Nurses Association may attend the hearing which will be held online via Zoom. If you would like to attend, or if you are an MNA-UMPNC member and would like to submit evidence or make a statement at the hearing, please register here and a Zoom link and additional information will be emailed to you prior to the hearing. |
| Michigan Nurses Association 2310 Jolly Oak Road | Okemos, MI 48864 (517) 349-5640 | minurses@minurses.org |
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